Utkarsh 2.0

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has recently launched the Mid-term Strategy Framework – Utkarsh 2.0 for the period 2023-25. It will guide the bank’s progress towards achieving delineated targets by navigating through turbulent tides created by the Covid pandemic and geopolitical hostilities.
What is Utkarsh 2.0?
- It is a strategic framework for the banks that sets the activities, priorities, and desired outcomes under each of the objectives of the bank for the period 2023-25.
- Utkarsh 2.0 is designed to capture and respond to the rapidly emerging features of the economical, social and technological system.
- It will harness the strength of Utkarsh 2022 by retaining 6 vision statements as well as core objectives, values, and mission statements.
What are the objectives of Utkarsh 2.0?
- to promote the economic and financial well-being of Indian people in terms of price and financial stability,
- ensure fair and universal access to financial services,
- promote a dynamic and responsive financial intermediary infrastructure,
- to foster monetary and financial stability while keeping in mind the objective of growth.
Also Read: RBI’s 26th Financial Stability Report
Six Visions to guide RBI over the period 2023-25
- Vision 1: Achieve excellence in the execution of its functions
- by implementing 24 strategies which include rationalizing the regulation of banks, aligning KYC norms with FATF guidelines, etc.
- Vision 2: Strengthened trust of citizens and institutions in the Reserve Bank of India
- by improving transparency of functions, enhanced consumer awareness, and effective grievance redressal mechanism.
- Vision 3: Enhanced relevance and significance in the national and global roles
- by intensifying bank’s international financial engagements and enhancing the internationalization of Indian Rupee etc.
- Vision 4: Transparent, Accountable and Ethics-driven Internal Governance
- by adopting a comprehensive and robust RBI internal audit mechanism, aligning cyber security control with global best practices, fostering of risk culture in the banks, etc.
- Vision 5: Best-in-class and environment-friendly digital and physical infrastructure
- by building sustainable ICT infrastructure, enabling ease of doing business (EODB) wrt human resources processes, adapting to emerging technologies through the implementation of NextGen applications, etc.
- Vision 6: Innovative, Dynamic, and skilled human resource
- by using technology and data analytics in promoting research-based decision-making, building a proficient employee interface for effective communication, etc.
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