Minister of State for Electronic and Information Technology recently announced that Government will soon launch “Digital India Innovation Fund” to support Deep Tech Start-ups. What is Deep Tech Start-ups ? Deep Tech startup is a class of startups that provide technological solutions based on substantial scientifically or engineering challenges. It cal also be defined as […]
NASA launches SWOT Satellite to study ocean, river and lakes NASA launches SWOT Satellite to study ocean, river and lakes. American Space Agency NASA has recently launched SWOT satellite fully name “Surface Water and Ocean Topography” satellite to conduct a comprehensive study of oceans, rivers and lakes around the globe. It will measure the precise […]
The construction of Square Kilometre Array Observatory SKA which is world’s largest radio astronomical observatory has begun in Australia after three decades in development.
The latest AI toll ChatGPT – Chabot Conversational AI is creating a buzz among computer scientist and programming due to its creative capabilities. It is a computer program used to conduct an online chat conversation via text, simulates and processes human information, allowing humans to interact with digital devices as if they are interacting with […]