Road Accidents in India 2021

Ministry of Road Transport and Highway (MoRTH) has recently released a report title “Road Accidents in India 2021”. This report has been prepared by Transport Research Wing (TRW) under MoRTH.
What are the key finding of Road Accidents in India 2021 report ?
- In 2021, a total of 4,12,432 accidents have been reported, which claimed 1,53,972 lives and caused injuries to 3,84,448 persons. In 2020, the road accident death figure was 1,31,714.
- In road accidents, the worst affected age group is 18-45 years, which accounts for 67% of total accidental accidents.
- Among the states, Tamil Nadu recorded the highest number of road accidents in 2021 on National Highways, whereas Utter Pradesh recorded the highest number of people killed in road accidents.
- Factors responsible for road accidents are human error, road environment, and vehicular conditions.
- In the human error category, over speeding is responsible for 69.6% of accidental deaths followed by driving on the wrong side (5.2%).
- In the vehicle category, two-wheelers accounted for the highest share of total accidents and fatalities for the second consecutive year in 2021.
- Million-plus cities accounted for 16.3% of total accidents and 9.9% of total accidental death in the country.
- Around 69% of accidental death took place in rural areas whereas urban areas accounted for 31%.
- The time period between 12 AM to 6 AM accounted for 10% of total accidents considered as safest time, while the time period between 3 pm to 9 pm was considered as riskiest, accounting for 39% of total accidents.
- In World Road Statistics 2020 report, India ranks second in terms of the number of accidents and ranks first in the number of persons killed in road accidents.
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What are the steps taken by Government to reduce fatalities related to road accidents ?
MoRTH has adopted multi pronged strategy based on 4E’s, namely Education, Engineering (both of vehicle and road), Enforcement and Emergency care.
- Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Act, 2019 to strongly enforce road safety norms,
- Identification of Black spots and planning out its ratification efforts,
- Integrated Road Accidents (iRAD)/ e-Detailed Accidents Report with World Bank assistance to provide real-time analysis of road accidents in line with international practices.
- Vehicle Scrappage Policy to facilitate phasing out of unfit vehicles.
- Schemes to set up Automated Vehicles Inspection Centres and Driving training centers.
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