National Exit Test (NExT)
National Medical Commission (NMC) released the Draft regulations for National Exit Test (NExT) exam.

What is the Objective of National Exit Test (NExT)?
- To bring uniformity in the summative assessment process across the country with reference to maintaining the minimum common standards of education and training of medical college graduates.
Significance of National Exit Test (NExT)
- It shall form the basis of certifying the eligibility of the medical graduate student to register and practice the modern system of medicines in India and hence serve as a Licentiate Examination.
- It shall act as an Entrance Examination for determining the eligibility and ranking for the purpose of admission to Postgraduate Medical Education in the country.
Who will conduct NExT?
- National Medical Commission shall approve the Commission or an appropriate body to conduct NExT.
NExT Shall be applicable to
- All undergraduate medical students pursuing MBBS Degrees in medical colleges approved by NMC.
- All foreign medical graduate students approved by NMC for the purpose of obtaining a license to practice medicines and for enrollment in the State Register or the National Register.
- Any other person with a medical degree may be specified and approved by NMC through due notification or regulations from time to time.
NExt shall comprise two separate examination
- NExT Step 1
- theoretical exam
- One or more than one type of Multiple choice questions.
- Conduct in Computer-based/Online mode.
- Consists of six papers covering subjects of III MBBS/Final MBBS.
- Students who have completed the III MBBS/ Final MBBS shall be eligible to appear in the exam
- Conduct once a year prior to University Practical Examination for the III/Final MBBS
- A supplementary exam shall be held once a year for those candidates who have failed one or more papers.
- No restrictions to the number of attempts.
- Replace the conventional university exam of III MBBS/ Final MBBS.
- NExt Step 2
- Practical/Clinical and Viva Voce exam covering seven clinical subjects.
- Held in-person/live and shall be conducted by respective State Health Univerity
- Held once a year
- A supplementary exam shall be held once a year for those who have failed one or more subjects.
- No restrictions to the number of attempts.
Read: Full document
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