108th Indian Science Congress
108th Indian Science Congress will be inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 3rd January 2023. This year’s theme is “Science and Technology for Sustainable Development with Women empowerment” with an aim to promote the participation of women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).
This year, 108th ISC will be hosted by Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur Univesity, Maharashtra.
The first session of Indian Science Congree held in 1914 at the premesis of Asiatic Society, Kolkata and was presided by Justice Sir Auhutosh Mukherjee.
Special events like Women Science Congress, Children Science Congree, Farmer’s Science Congress will also be organised in ISC.
“Pride in India” mega expo will also be organsed to showcase prominent development, and significant contribution of Indian Science and Technology to society.
Objectives of 108th Indian Science Congress
- to advance the cause of science in India,
- to hold a congress at a suitable place annually in India,
- to publish such journals, proceedings, transactions, and others as may be considered desirable,
- to secure and manage funds for the promotion of science including the rights of disposing of or selling all or any portion of the property of the association,
- to do and perform any or all other acts, things, and matter as considered conducive to, or necessary for the above objects.
Women in STEM
- In India, 43% of the total STEM graduates are women, which is one of the highest in the world.
- However, the share of women in STEM jobs is only 14%.
- All India Survey on Higher Education (2019) also indicates a significant lag in women’s participation at the doctoral level.
Steps taken by Govenment to promote Women participation in STEM
- Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy 2020 set the target of 30% of decision-makers comprising women by 2030.
- KIRAN (Knowledge Involvement in Research Advancement through Nurturing) aims to realize gender parity in science.
- CURIE program to facilitate research infrastructure in women’s universities.
- GATI (Gender Advancement for Transforming Institutions) for promoting gender parity in Science and Technology in higher education.
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